Recently I was riding with my husbands in his car and in the door handle I saw a small toy accessory gun. This reminded me of my why I have a fear of vacuuming around the house. This sound silly but when you are living with a toy collector, more than likely there will have some toys that will not be in the package either because it fell apart from age, or because the collector himself opened it. All these loose figures leads to tiny toy accessories such as guns, knives, grenades, bullets, belts, shoes, plastic flames and other pieces that can be easily be misplaced somewhere on the floor of your home.
RNG Shogun Warrior Collection http://www.flickr.com/photos/ragingnerdgasm/collections/72157630057133405/ |
Losing an accessory here and there it’s not too bad on newer figures but imagine losing accessory to something really old or rare. Now you are talking $20 - $50 to replace the accessory. You would have to go online to look for someone who might have an extra piece or is willing to part their figure for money. Great example of this is my husband Shogun Warrior Collection. To me these robots look cool, but I would never in a million years would have though they are worth a small fortune, especially since the plastic they are made from have the consistency of a shampoo bottle. If one of these robots loses something as little as a missile you are have to go hunting online stores or forums and after shipping you are looking at paying close to $20 at the least. Lord forbids if I accidentally vacuumed something rare like a phaser gun to a vintage 1970's Star Trek Mego Doll.
RNG Shogun Warrior Collection http://www.flickr.com/photos/ragingnerdgasm/collections/72157630057133405/ |
So you can imagine why I’m afraid of vacuuming in our house. Since we have been together I have passed that task to my husband. Even when he vacuums, he sorts through the vacuum dust tray to make sure he didn't accidentally sucked something up himself. As long as he vacuums I’m cool with dishes.
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