Living With a Toy Collector - He bought me a "Ring" and I bought him 2 "Industrial shelves" for his toys. |
Now It's no secret at this point that my husband Tom Khayos is a toy collector and we recently moved. Well it's been two months and we have come to the realization that my husbands full collection can easily fill a 4 bedroom 2000 sq foot home on it's own. While normally I would not have any problems with this, we are currently squished into a 1,100 2 bedroom apartment. So there's stuff everywhere.
Now for the first time in 3 years, both my husband and I are off on Thanksgiving day. Since we don't have a lot of family where we live we simply decided to just stay home and work on tackling his collection room. Sounds simple enough ... right???
Well earlier Wednesday morning we took Tom's mom out to eat. As we continued to spend time out with her for a Pre Thanksgiving day, we roamed stores such as Toys R Us, Ross, and even went to the mall. Yeap you read that right...the mall. Normally Tom and I don't go to the mall but it was a special treat for his mom. The last time we came to the mall there was this really nice ring I saw at one of the jewelry stores. Now Tom will tell you that I'm normally not much for shopping, or spending money like it grew on trees. However he knew that I really like this ring and he was hoping to get it for me as an early Christmas gift. Well he did. I loved it.
After we dropped his mom off and stopped by to say hi to our friends at Heroes Haven, we went home and started tackling the massive task of sorting his room. It took some time to move stuff out of the room. Tote after tote we removed toys from his collection room in order to unclutter it so we can work on it. As a result we ended up re cluttering the kitchen, what will someday hope will be our dining room area, and our living room/common area. After moving quite a bit of stuff out we noticed he didn't have enough shelves. So I quickly went to the Walmart site and started looking for industrial shelves. Keep in mind it is Thanksgiving eve around 7 pm. Not a lot of places open that has that kind of stuff, so we had to brave it out with the rest of the crazies buying last minute Thanksgiving stuff.
We were very lucky and we found 2 out of 3 much needed industrial 5 tier shelving for his toys. (** I will warn you that if you get industrial shelving it is very heavy so bring a friend that can help you lift it into the car and out of the car.) We made a our way home fighting the stinging Florida freezing breeze and started figuring out a strategy to start setting up these shelves along with the two display cases he had from the move.
So far we have done very well and have all the furniture in the room, but now I helped as much as I can with this collection room. Is all up to him. We've had fun this holiday weekend. He got me a very nice ring and I got him shelves for his toys. We are happy people. Let's see how things go from here. LOL
My man has graduated form book shelves to industrial shelves.

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