My husband foot
before bandages were
removed. |
So it's been almost two weeks since my husband had his accident. So far is been hectic times, but it finally things are starting to calm down. Heck, as of yesterday they removed the stitches and now his foot is in on the road to recovery. He goes back to work this Friday and he's seem to be exited as can be in his current state.
Crazy Mexican
Boot leg Star Wars
Storm Trooper. |
During that time at home he had fun watching TV, napping, playing with his new shiny tablet, getting a chance to ride on stores electric wheelchairs and just getting a chance to enjoy another un-wanted vacation. In this time he has done a little bit of shopping on line. While he has lost out of several auctions, he got him-self a new Shogun Warrior figure, and he recently won some crazy Mexican Storm Trooper. To me it looks like something you could pick up at a flea market, or a gas station run by American stereotype foreigners. LOL Apparently is rare. While I would not pay $5 for it, apparently worth a lot of money. Oh well.
As for me I'll be doing a lot of software training, ethics training and all kinds of boring stuff that I need to keep making a living. But in great news I had a chance to start drawing again. :D
So here's the growing Shogun Warriors Collection. These are only 4 out of the 6. The other are in storage. |